It is missing: 346days 18hor : 20min : 59seg
to dig our shoe.

The environment first

The environment first The SAPATOTERAPIA is a company very concerned with environmental issues and decided to develop distinctive and comfortable footwear. Environmentally friendly, the company has numerous actions aimed to contribute to nature:


REFORESTATION PROJECT: Sapatoterapia has reforested areas of small rural producers, reaching the mark of planting a tree per day during 12 years and aims to 17 years on trees, to reach the mark of a tree per day throughout its existence. In addition to the supply of seedlings, the company helped with the fertilizing and planting. Project born in a conversation with the environment, Dr. Fernando de Andrade Martins.
INDIVIDUAL AWARENESS to SELECTIVE COLLECTION: This awareness is divided into sectors:
Administration: each person is responsible for his own garbage. All have a container deposit paper, plastic, metals and household waste.
Production: All deposit in collectors divided into: paper, plastic, organic, waste, metal and glass.
Batteries: the Sapatoterapia also has the collector of batteries and their staff can make the correct disposal of this type of garbage, which is later taken to appropriate locations.
REDUCTION of PAPER CONSUMPTION and ECOLOGICAL PAPERS: Sapatoterapia reuses Office papers, taking advantage of the verse in the process of prints that are discarded at the end of the day beyond reuse, the company is implementing the use of ecologically friendly paper made from bagasse of sugar cane. Every ton of that paper produced, preserves 14.000 trees, are spared  910.000 Kw/hour, to reduce the Co2 emission in 570 tons, save 24.000 tons of water, prevents the burning of 100 barrels of oil in addition to making healthier by reading reflect less light.
Community and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Sapatoterapia receives schools students, for internal discussions about how does the selective collection and all projects involved on behalf of the environment. In addition to invite professionals in the field of water treatment, garbage and sewage to speak for all employees and strengthen the consciousness and habits of preservation in the company and in your community.

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